NorCal Perlite Horticultural Medium Grade – Garden Indoor Outdoor Plants – Soil Additive Better Aeration and Drainage - 4 Cubic Feet (103 Quarts) 1 Bag
NorCal Perlite Horticultural Medium Grade – Garden Indoor Outdoor Plants – Soil Additive Better Aeration and Drainage - 4 Cubic Feet (103 Quarts) 1 Bag
Detail<p class="MsoNormal">Perlite is a naturally occurring . volcanic rock. When furnacedat high temperatures . perlite "pops" and expands 7 to 15 times itsoriginal volume. The resulting lightweight particles are made up ofmicroscopic spheres with a porous . broken surface that promotes plantgrowth. This allows aeration and drainage of the root system and providesholding capacity for water and nutrients. Improves soil structure .eliminates soil crusting and compacting . increases water holding capacity andfertilizer retention . improves drainage and aeration . provides uniform growingmedia . produces denser root structure . propagation of seedlings and cuttings .soil conditioning . hydroponics . roof deck gardens and eco-roofs . nursery stock& hanging baskets . turf enhancement . newly planted trees and plants. As afamily owned business based out of California and located in the Bay Area . wetake tremendous pride in doing everything possible to satisfy our customerswith hands on direct to customer relations and service. The trust of over32 years of experience to service any and all customers with the best Perlite andservice in the market today. Our perlite products are second to none due to theuse of clean East Bay Mudd water in our products for cooling and dustcontrol. Non- traceable free silica (unlike many other Perlite products inthe market). In other words . we get it there on time. The expertise to inventand build custom grades based on the demands of our customers. We are veryconfident that you will love the quality of this perlite. Try it and if notsatisfied return within 30 days for a full refund.<o:p></o:p></p>
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